SSDM Golf Course Consultancy

Project: Auckland Golf Facilities Discussion Document

Client: Auckland Council

Timeframe: 2016

SSDM was engaged by Auckland Council to assist in the pulling together of an holistic discussion document that focussed upon identifying the existing operational and functional attributes of golf courses within the Auckland region, operating on Council leased land. In addition, SSDM provided information regarding the potential for golf courses within the Auckland region to contribute to the wider ecological and recreational value of local communities and the wider urban landscape.

This involved presenting data that qualified the golf courses potential to enhance the ecological value of the urban/suburban landscape its sits within, as well as identifying how sites could further develop their multifunctional use and wider recreational appeal to the surrounding community.

The document was to be used as a basis for on-going discussion relating to the 'value of golf' within the Auckland region and how best these assets could be further enhanced and developed in order to optimise connections to the natural (green space) landscape, ecoology and communities.

A link to the discussion document can be found below:

Auckland Golf Facilities Plan

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Posted on 2 December 2019 by Default Admin