SSDM offers a wide range of environmental service packages for golf courses, green spaces, industry and recreational facilities.
All the services are specifically designed with New Zealand's unique ecological characteristics in mind. In addition to our strategic alliance with New Zealand's largest independent conservation organisation, Forest and Bird, we are also the only recognised eligible sustainability associates for the Golf Environment Organisation (GEO) in New Zealand. Through these associations we are able to offer innovative and applied consultancy and support, tailored to the resources and commitment of the individual client.
The key aim of SSDM's environmental consultancy is to be SIMPLE, SPECIFIC and SUSTAINABLE.
Environmental consultancy packages offered by SSDM:
Native bush regeneration programme
- Identifying the need to regenerate native bush
- Developing a plan: identifying existing plant species, exotic pests, their control and management
- On-going project management and record keeping
Tree management
- Initial assessment and report of tree health and composition
- Establishment of an applied tree management programme (to include: controlled tree removal and re-planting schemes etc.)
- Future management recommendations
Habitat management
- Baseline surveys to identify existing site species
- Establishment of an applied strategy for the sustainable management of naturalised areas
- Development of a habitat management plan
- Recommendations and project management regarding habitat creation and/or contingencies
- On-going recording and data gathering
Environmental management plan
- Establishment of a site specific Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
- Identification of priorities and agreement to address key issues over a defined timescale
- On-going review and support with regards to implementation
- On-going recording and monitoring
Integrated pest management plan
- Establishment of a site specific Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM)
- Development of an effective IPM plan in-line with client resources and commercial demands
- On-going administration and review
SSDM New Zealand golf course sustainability review
- Identification of seven critical elements of golf course operation to generate a specific ‘sustainability score’
- Creation of a ‘snap shot’ of current sustainability of operations
- Development of a prioritised and achievable strategy to achieve agreed future goals
- On-going support and review
- Provision of a comprehensive and clear overview of course management philosophies and a means of capturing historical and future data
For more information contact us
AGCSA Green Pages: Environmental stewardship on New Zealand golf courses click to download
Whatuwhiwhi baseline vegetation survey click to download
Guidelines for establishing 'fine grass' roughs on golf courses click here to download